
It’s always the “dirty work” that gets finished last. No one wants to take out the garbage or unclog the toilet. It’s messy, laborious, unpleasant, hard, and sometimes, it's just gross! One of the things we pride ourselves on at Jones Logistics is our longstanding legacy of finishing every job we begin and doing the job well. At the end of the day, we know that we are impacting the lives within our community when we commit ourselves to do the dirty work, and that’s important to us.

Jones Logistics is proud to partner with the Mississippi Department of Transportation and the Don’t Trash Mississippi campaign by adopting a section of Highway 589 in Hattiesburg, Miss. By partnering with MDOT, JoLo is making a pledge to pick up trash on our adopted section of the highway at least 4 times per year. Earlier this week, team JoLo kicked off this pledge by starting their workweek armed with safety vests and gloves to pick up trash.

“Adopt-A-Highway gives us a chance to care for our community, and if we can make a small difference for the people around us, it's worth it,” commented Kelsey Barnes, our Employee Development Manager.

We know a thing or two about doing business on the road. After all, we are a transportation company, but our job extends far beyond getting you from point A to point B. Our philosophy is that when we improve the communities we serve, we are also improving the lives of our customers, vendors, and employees. This is our mission statement, and this is the true core of what we do for a living. In other words, our job is also to care. Our passion and care are what drives us, no pun intended.

Adopting a highway is so much more than just having a sign with your name on it next to the road. Jones Logistics is making a commitment to the community by agreeing to keep our highway clean and litter-free. It’s good for the environment, it helps keep wildlife at bay that may otherwise jump in front of an 18-wheeler, it gives our office employees a chance to give back and be a part of something bigger than themselves, and it represents our commitment to getting the job done, regardless of how messy it may appear.

To learn more about how you can get involved with the Adopt-a-Highway program in Mississippi, click here.