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We have seen firsthand at Jones Logistics (JoLo) that leadership comes in many forms. Lindsey Farris, Senior Carrier Representative at JoLo, demonstrates a diplomatic approach defined by interpersonal harmony and consideration for others at the forefront. This month, we are proud to announce that she has been named our JoLo BOLO winner for the first quarter of 2024.  

JoLo BOLO (Be on the Lookout) is a quarterly employee, nomination-based recognition program. Employees nominate their peers for exemplifying our company core values: integrity, passion, unity, sustainability, and humility. A committee of employees from various sectors of JoLo then votes on a winner. 

Lindsey has been with JoLo for eight years. To say that she is an excellent asset to our company does not even begin to cover the value of Lindsey’s impact. In addition to her tremendous work ethic and customer service, she never fails to display a deep sense of concern for those around her. 

“Lindsey never gets too busy to check on others to see if they need help or assistance,” commented one of her co-workers. “She even had PTO planned a few weeks ago, but decided to cut it short to come back in on those days to help her team which was already short-staffed from people being sick.” 

Lindsey is also marked by her servant heart and generosity. She always goes out of her way to improve the lives of others. Whether someone is having a bad day or just needs to be celebrated, she is often one of the first up to bat. 

"Lindsey is going to know when someone is having a hard time or in need of celebration. She always makes everyone feel important.” 

Way to be a team player, Lindsey, and thank you for being One of Jones! Are you passionate about your work? Are you looking for a change of pace? Consider applying for a job at Jones Logistics! We are always looking for A-players like Lindsey who are dedicated to getting the job done.

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