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This month, Jones Logistics (JoLo) is proud to announce that two members of our work family have been nominated for the JoLo BOLO award for the fourth quarter of 2022! Mike Woelky, Business Systems Analyst, and Robert Reif, Director of Safety, are being recognized not only for their passion, but also for their humility and desire to go above and beyond the call of duty for our drivers and customers. 

JoLo BOLO (Be on the Lookout) is a quarterly employee, nomination-based recognition program. Employees nominate their peers for exemplifying our company core values: integrity, passion, unity, sustainability, and humility. A committee of employees from various sectors of JoLo then vote on a winner. 

Robert Reif, often referred to as “Bob” around the office, is based out of our Waukesha, WI location. Prior to joining the JoLo family in April of last year, Bob served in the Marine Corps for 21 years and brought a lot to the table, including discipline and dedication to achieving results. As our Director of Safety, Bob oversees and maintains the safety requirements for all our transportation needs. 

Mike Woelky, who is also based out of our Waukesha, WI location, joined the JoLo family in January of last year. Prior to starting his journey with JoLo, Mike already had a great deal of experience understanding systems, implementing software, and delivering technology solutions to his co-workers. At JoLo, he continues to do the same at a at a very high caliber and is recognized for his humility and his willingness to help others. 

Last quarter Mike and Bob, together, played an imperative role in the implementation of PeopleNet, a fleet telematics solution by Trimble and our newest addition to JoLo’s technology portfolio.  

“Mike and Bob were CRITICAL to the implementation of PeopleNet and keeping drivers on the road,” anonymously commented one of their colleagues. “They worked LONG hours and were committed to getting new PeopleNet devices connected, getting drivers logged in, resolving HOS issues, and dealing with whatever new problems arose. I simply cannot overstate crucial their involvement in this project was.” 

Way to go, team, and thank you for being One of Jones! Are you passionate about your work? Are you looking for a change of pace? Consider applying for a job at Jones Logistics! We are always looking for A-players like Bob and Mike. To learn more about how you can become “One of Jones,” click here to visit our career page.  

If you are a carrier partner or shipper and interested in learning more about our technological offerings and how we can help you deliver, click here to fill out a form.